Online Coaching

As a personal trainer, I really like sharing my knowledge to make you the hero in your own running journey. Whether it's a personal best, or running your first marathon, I'll guide you every step of the way! 
Currently, I'm working in Taiwan as a running technique specialist. I love coaching runners of all ages and ability levels from all over the country and even the world. 

Quality Over Quantity 

Injury-free will be the most important goal. Before you can run fast or run long, you have to learn how to run without injury.
I will not ask you to run 10km every day, because mileage is not the point.
I care about how your every step is during your running. That's the quality of your running, and "quality over quantity" is the core value of the Pose Method.
I'll use the camera and wearables for running assessments aiming at reducing injury risk and improving performances. If that's you as well, we can work together.

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